Takes the basic JAGS model and modifies it based on particular observations. Specifically, it fixes the detection probability of all nodes that had no observations to 0.
init_file = NULL,
file_name = NULL,
filter_ch = NULL,
parent_child = NULL,
configuration = NULL,
by_origin = FALSE,
fish_origin = NULL
name (with file path) of basic JAGS model.
name (with file path) to save the model as.
filtered capture history as returned by the `filterDetections()` function in the `PITcleanr` package, which has then been verified by a user and all blank or NA `user_keep_obs` entries have been completed.
data frame with at least `parent` and `child` columns. Can be created with `buildParentChild()` function in the `PITcleanr` package.
is a data frame which assigns node names to unique SiteID, AntennaID, and site configuration ID combinations. One example can be built with the function `buildConfig`
should Dirichlet vectors be created for each fish origin separately (`TRUE`), or be common to all origins (`FALSE`)? Default is `FALSE`
tibble containing `tag_code` and origin ("W" or "H") of every tag. If not supplied, every tag will be assigned "W".
#> Error in fixNoFishNodes(): !is.null(init_file) is not TRUE