Run the JAGS model
file_name = NULL,
mcmc_chainLength = 100,
mcmc_burn = 10,
mcmc_thin = 2,
mcmc_chains = 1,
jags_data = NULL,
weekly_params = FALSE,
seed = NULL,
verbose = FALSE,
parallel = TRUE,
win_model = c("neg_bin", "neg_bin2", "pois", "quasi_pois", "log_space"),
trap_est = TRUE,
use_jagsUI = FALSE
name (with file path) to save the model as
number of burn-in samples in each MCMC chain
thinning interval for MCMC samples to save
number of MCMC chains
list of data being passed to JAGS
model, created by prepJAGS
should weekly estimates be saved? Default is FALSE
starting seed value for RNG, to make results reproducible
passed to the jags
passed to the jags
passed to the jags
what type of distribution should be used when modeling the window counts. neg_bin
is a standard negative binomial distribution. neg_bin2
is a more flexible version of a negative binomial, allowing the mean-variance relationship to take different forms. pois
is a Poisson distribution. quasi_pois
is the quasi-Poisson distribution. log_space
assumes that the window counts have normal errors in log-space.
should an estimate of escapement based on the adult fish trap rate be used as a second observation of true total escapement, together with the window counts? Default is TRUE
, win_model
is automatically set to pois
should the `jagsUI` package be used to fit the model? Default is `FALSE`, meaning the `rjags` package is used instead.
number of total samples in each MCMC chain