Query and download PIT tag data about night passage and re-ascension at particular dams for specific species and year, using DART.
the dam code for the dam you wish to query for PIT tag data. Currently only available for Lower Granite Dam (GRA), Priest Rapids (PRA), Rock Island (RIA) and Rocky Reach (RRF).
species to query PIT tag data for. Possible choices are: Chinook, Coho, Steelhead, Sockeye
character vector of date (YYYYMMDD
) when query should start
character vector of date (YYYYMMDD
) when query should end
queryPITtagData(start_date = '20150701')
#> # A tibble: 53,370 × 25
#> Ladder Year Species SpCode TagId WindowDetectionFlag ClockHour Date
#> <chr> <dbl> <chr> <dbl> <chr> <dbl> <chr> <date>
#> 1 GRA 2016 Chinook 1 384.3B2… 1 0900 2015-07-13
#> 2 GRA 2016 Chinook 1 384.3B2… 0 0900 2015-07-13
#> 3 GRA 2016 Chinook 1 384.3B2… 0 0900 2015-07-13
#> 4 GRA 2016 Chinook 1 384.3B2… 0 0900 2015-07-13
#> 5 GRA 2016 Chinook 1 384.3B2… 1 0700 2015-07-14
#> 6 GRA 2016 Chinook 1 384.3B2… 0 0700 2015-07-14
#> 7 GRA 2016 Chinook 1 384.3B2… 0 0700 2015-07-14
#> 8 GRA 2016 Chinook 1 384.3B2… 0 0700 2015-07-14
#> 9 GRA 2016 Chinook 1 384.3B2… 1 0900 2015-07-15
#> 10 GRA 2016 Chinook 1 384.3B2… 0 0900 2015-07-15
#> # ℹ 53,360 more rows
#> # ℹ 17 more variables: WindowCountHours <chr>, Period <chr>, RearType <chr>,
#> # TagStage <chr>, Coil <chr>, DetectionDateTime <dttm>, TravelTime <dbl>,
#> # TagIdAscentCount <dbl>, ReleaseYear <dbl>, ReleaseDateTime <dttm>,
#> # Run <dbl>, Length <dbl>, CaptureMethod <chr>, FlagCodes <chr>,
#> # ReleaseSite <chr>, TagFile <chr>, ReleaseRKM <chr>