Query and compile window count results using the queryWindowCnts function.

  dam = c("LWG", "WFF", "BON", "TDA", "JDA", "MCN", "IHR", "LMN", "LGS", "PRO", "ROZ",
    "PRD", "WAN", "RIS", "TUM", "RRH", "WEL", "ZOS"),
  spp = c("Chinook", "Coho", "Sockeye", "Steelhead", "Wild_Steelhead", "Shad",
    "Jack_Chinook", "Jack_Coho", "Jack_Sockeye", "Jack_Steelhead", "Lamprey",
  start_date = NULL,
  end_date = NULL,
  incl_jacks = F,
  sthd_type = c("all", "unclipped")



the dam code for the dam you wish to query for window counts. Possible codes are: WFF (Willamette Falls), BON (Bonneville), TDA (The Dalles), JDA (John Day), MCN (McNary), IHR (Ice Harbor), LMN (Lower Monumental), LGS (Little Goose), LWG (Lower Granite), PRO (Prosser), ROZ (Roza), PRD (Priest Rapids), WAN (Wanapum), RIS (Rock Island), TUM (Tumwater), RRH (Rocky Reach), WEL (Wells), ZOS (Zosel)


character vector of date (YYYYMMDD) when query should start


character vector of date (YYYYMMDD) when query should end


should jacks be included in the window count totals? T / F


should window counts of steelhead be for all steelhead, or only unclipped (i.e. wild) fish? Default is all.


Kevin See


getWindowCounts(start_date = '20150301', end_date = '20150817')
#> # A tibble: 170 × 4
#>    Species  Year Date       win_cnt
#>    <chr>   <int> <date>       <dbl>
#>  1 Chinook  2015 2015-03-01      NA
#>  2 Chinook  2015 2015-03-02      NA
#>  3 Chinook  2015 2015-03-03      NA
#>  4 Chinook  2015 2015-03-04      NA
#>  5 Chinook  2015 2015-03-05       0
#>  6 Chinook  2015 2015-03-06       0
#>  7 Chinook  2015 2015-03-07       0
#>  8 Chinook  2015 2015-03-08       0
#>  9 Chinook  2015 2015-03-09       0
#> 10 Chinook  2015 2015-03-10       0
#> # ℹ 160 more rows