Query and summarise data for STADEM
spp = c("Chinook", "Steelhead", "Coho"),
dam = c("LWG", "WFF", "BON", "TDA", "JDA", "MCN", "IHR", "LMN", "LGS", "PRO", "ROZ",
"PRD", "WAN", "RIS", "TUM", "RRH", "WEL", "ZOS"),
start_date = NULL,
end_date = NULL,
incl_jacks = NULL,
sthd_type = c("all", "unclipped"),
damPIT = c("GRA", "PRA"),
strata_beg = "Mon",
last_strata_min = 3,
sthd_B_run = FALSE,
trap_dbase = NULL,
incl_trapRate = T,
useDARTrate = F,
trap_rate_cv = 0,
trap_rate_dist = c("beta", "logit")
spawn year.
the dam code for the dam you wish to query for window counts. Possible codes are: WFF (Willamette Falls), BON (Bonneville), TDA (The Dalles), JDA (John Day), MCN (McNary), IHR (Ice Harbor), LMN (Lower Monumental), LGS (Little Goose), LWG (Lower Granite), PRO (Prosser), ROZ (Roza), PRD (Priest Rapids), WAN (Wanapum), RIS (Rock Island), TUM (Tumwater), RRH (Rocky Reach), WEL (Wells), ZOS (Zosel)
character vector of date (YYYYMMDD
) when query should start
character vector of date (YYYYMMDD
) when query should end
should jacks be included in the window count totals? T / F
should window counts of steelhead be for all steelhead, or only unclipped (i.e. wild) fish? Default is all
the dam code for the dam you wish to query for PIT tag data.
Currently only available for Lower Granite Dam (LWG
) and Priest Rapids Dam (PRA
3 letter code for the day of the week each weekly strata
should begin on. Default value is 'Mon'
minimum length (in days) for the final strata. Default value is 3.
should numbers of B run steelhead be reported? These are
defined as wild steelhead greater than 780mm in length. Default is
data frame object containing the LWG trapping data with identical data types as in tblLGDMasterCombineExport; required fields include MasterID, LGDNumPIT, CollectionDate, SRR, LGDSpecies, LGDRear, LGDLifeStage, LGDMarkAD, LGDValid, LGDFLmm, PTAgisSxCGRAObs.
should the DART query for the trap rate be used? Default
, which implies the trap rate is estimated by PIT tags.
constant coefficient of variation (CV) that should be
applied to estimates of trap rate queried by DART. Default value is
distributional form for trap rate prior. beta
returns alpha and beta parameters for beta distribution. logit
returns mean and standard deviation in logit space.
#> Error in compileGRAdata(2012): !is.null(start_date) is not TRUE