This function uses detections at a given node, and all detections upstream of that node to calculate detection efficiency at that node. It uses the Chapman, Petersen, or Bailey estimator for the number of tags at that node (the Chapman estimator is used if no recaptures are available). The detection efficiency is then calculated as the number of tags detected at that node, divided by the estimate of total tags at that node.
capHist_proc = NULL,
node_order = NULL,
node = NULL,
method = c("Chapman", "Petersen", "Bailey")
Dataframe returned by `buildNodeOrder()`
character string of the node(s) of interest. If not supplied, efficiencies will be calculated for every node in `node_order`.
one of `Chapman`, `Petersen`, or `Bailey.` Determines which formula to use when estimating tags past an array. Default is `Chapman`. If another method is selected, and fails (e.g. due to no recaptures), the `Chapman` estimator will be used.
Dataframe returned by `compress()`; must have columns named `tag_code` and `node`. More appropriate would be the output of `filterDetections()` or `prepWrapper()`, which is then filterd by either `auto_keep_obs` or `user_keep_obs`.
a tibble
#> Error in estNodeEff(): !is.null(capHist_proc) is not TRUE